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Suby Cheng 鄭舒尹【Take Me There】Official Music Video

Suby 鄭舒尹《卡樂斯旅途/The Trip to Colors》
一顆泛著暗光的寶石,帶著釋放炫彩光芒的渴望,踏上了尋找卡樂斯的旅途。 這張專輯是Suby 鄭舒尹的首張原創電子音樂專輯,摩羯座的她把這幾年來對人生對音樂對旅行對生活的感悟全部用音樂記錄了下來,希望每一個我們當被工作或學習壓得透不過氣的時候,聽聽這張專輯,試試看音樂的力量能帶給我們些什麼,或是可以帶我們去哪裡?比如說洛杉磯的陽光、巴賽隆納的海風,馬塞的沿海公路, 遠古時代的戰火,甚至是音樂節上被煙火點亮的天空,也許閉上眼還能看到那個深愛的他⋯⋯這些充滿色彩的畫面也許是我們似曾相似的故事又或許是我們嚮往的美好。這個時代的我們往往神經性頹廢,我們真的需要精神性燦爛。讓音樂帶我們去另一個空間,那裡充滿了無限的色彩跟快樂。 人生至少要有兩次衝動,一為說走就走的旅行,一為奮不顧身的愛情。
一顆泛著暗光的寶石,帶著釋放炫彩光芒的渴望,踏上了尋找卡樂斯的旅途。 〈Take me there〉:
人生至少要有兩次衝動,一為說走就走的旅行,一為奮不顧身的愛情。我想帶你去那裏,那裏有洛杉磯的陽光,巴賽隆納的海風,馬賽的沿海公路,冰島的極光,阿姆斯特丹的自由奔放,紐約的繁華似錦,日本的櫻花…. 只要有愛人的陪伴,任何地方都是最美的風景,請把你的手給我,I wanna take you there. #Suby鄭舒尹 #TakeMeThere #卡樂斯旅途 #TheTriptoColors ═══════════════ Suby Cheng鄭舒尹【Take Me There】 ∎數位平台點聽
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friDay音樂 → https://bit.ly/3vSoWAa
LINE MUSIC → https://bit.ly/3KxRenF
MOOV → https://s.moov.hk/r?s=tyRI5t ═══════════════ Take me there 演唱:suby cheng鄭舒尹
詞:suby cheng鄭舒尹
曲:suby cheng鄭舒尹
編曲:suby cheng鄭舒尹
混音師: 顧瀟予
母帶 : 顧瀟予 Wanna know what is like
To be next to you Cause it turns this life to flame Never been on this high,
But I like the view,
And I hope you feel the same The moment when you touched me
You show me who I can be
You made the darkness fade away We set the time forever,
The song we sing together
Cause I know you can take me there Oh, take me there
Cause I know you can take me there
Oh, take me there
Cause I know you can take me there My heart is beating
Everywhere you go
To be fading to the sun The world keep on crushing
Untill after glow
Cause I know you are the one The moment when you touched me
You show me who I can be
You made the darkness fade away We set the time forever, The song we sing together
Cause I know you can take me The moment when you touched me
You show me who I can be
You made the darkness fade away We set the time forever
The song we sing together
Cause I know you can take me there
Oho, take me there
Cause I know you can take me there
Oho, take me there
Cause I know you can take me there
Oho, take me there
Cause I know you can take me there
Oho, take me there
Cause I know you can take me there ═══════════════ 【Suby Cheng鄭舒尹Facebook】https://www.facebook.com/SubyChengofficial/
【Suby Cheng鄭舒尹instagram】https://www.instagram.com/subycheng/
【Suby Cheng鄭舒尹微博】https://www.weibo.com/subycheng

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