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  5. 冬令進補就吃它,養血�...


都說「補冬補冬,補嘴空」,寒潮來襲,氣溫驟降,正需要用食補來強健身體。羊肉性溫,能補氣血,祛寒冷,最適合冬天食用。今天我們就做一鍋藥膳羊肉爐,除了溫補的羊肉,還加入多種藥材,吃了強身體,固元氣,天氣再冷也不怕!It is said that "winter tonification is all about having nourishing food". With the sudden drop in temperature, we are in urgent need of dietary supplement to strengthen the body. Lamb is warm in nature, replenishes blood and vitality, relieves coldness, and is most suitable for winter. Today we will make a medicinal lamb pot, in addition to mutton, there is also a variety of herbs. It strengthens your body and reinforces your vitality. Have this and you are no longer afraid of cold weather.

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