【從場計議】 第十集:麥記國際香港有限公司
麥記國際香港有限公司在本港吊運業扎根67年,經歷世代傳承及轉型,結合科技提升吊運業的安全性。於航運、碼頭、電梯、運輸及建築等行業都依賴吊運業的支持,以保障生命和財產安全。董事長林志宏先生認為「安全」在吊運工作中至關重要,而公司亦採用多種創新技術,目標是全面實施數字化管理,將科技應用於安全檢測,以降低意外發生的風險。 Mak Kee International Hong Kong Limited has been a cornerstone of the lifting industry in Hong Kong for 67 years, undergoing generational change while integrating technology to enhance safety. Industries such as shipping, docks, elevators, transportation, and construction all depend on the lifting industry to safeguard lives and property. Chairman Mr. Alfred Lam stated that safety is paramount in lifting operations. The company is committed to employing innovative technologies to fully implement digital management and apply tech-driven safety inspections, thereby reducing the risk of accidents.