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🔴LIVE/北韓說炸就炸「驚悚瞬間曝」!南北韓連通鐵公路毀 南韓軍方開火反擊 @ebcCTime

North Korea bombs as soon as it says "a shocking moment of exposure"! The railway connecting North and South Korea was destroyed and the South Korean military fired back
북한은 "충격 폭로의 순간"이라고 하자마자 폭탄 터뜨린다! 남북을 연결하는 철도가 파괴되고, 한국군이 반격을 가했다. 最新時事不漏接▶️https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7X0EtIoZRgE6G-SKlZhr5tgn3vIlFXP7
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