這寶貝冬季要多吃,香醇酥軟,生津補水!Have This Baby in Winter, Soft, Flavorful and Moistening
冬吃蘿蔔賽人參,又到了白蘿蔔最好吃的時間!作為冬季最熱銷的根莖類蔬菜,它熱量低,水分含量又高,能有效緩解秋冬身體的乾燥狀態。正好前幾天有粉絲留言想看素煲,今天台台就帶著主角蘿蔔,給大家帶來一道我最喜歡的鮑汁干貝香菇蘿蔔煲。蘿蔔還有消積滯、化痰熱的作用,秋冬大魚大肉吃多了,吃它正好解解膩。Turnip is the ginseng of winter, and now is the best time to have some turnip! As the most popular root vegetable in winter, it has low calories and high moisture content, which can effectively relieve the dryness of autumn and winter. Just a few days ago there were comments asking for vegetarian stew, so today Taitai brings you my favorite dried scallop and turnip stew with shiitake in abalone sauce. Turnip also aids digestion and relieves fever, so when you have too much hearty meal, turnip is good for refreshing.