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水果和肉組合,真真是絕妙!初夏正是水果爭相上市的時候,今天就用應季的菠蘿搭配糖釀梅子做一道烤排骨,品嘗屬於初夏的心動滋味~果香配肉香,酸甜解膩,天熱時也能胃口大開~臺臺根據菜單,帶來了去年釀成的梅子露,今天就跟著臺臺一起做一道夏日開胃菜吧~ Fruits and meat make a perfect match! In early summer, various fruits are new to the market. Today we’re going to make roasted ribs with seasonal pineapple and preserved plums. The combination offers a sweet, sour and refreshing taste, and it can be appetizing even in scorching weather. Check out today’s video for the wonderful recipe. Bon appetite!

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