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  5. 川普武器化關稅,撥亂...

川普武器化關稅,撥亂反正。 龔小夏。袁弓夷

自由香港宣言: Free Hong Kong Declaration: 1-主權在民:真香港人治港。 Popular Sovereignty: HKers own its Sovereignty. 2- 滅共:將中共立法為跨國犯罪集團。 No Communism: Designate CCP as Transnational Criminal Organization 3-法治: 憲政與司法獨立。 Rule of Law: New Constitution & Independent Judiciary 4-民主:定期雙普選。 Universal Suffrage: Regular Election of Executive & Legislature. 5-普世價值: 自由 人權 平等。 Universal Values: Freedom , Human Rights & Equality. Draft Version 2.3 from Elmer.

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